Regular monthly LR2 Board Meeting will be tomorrow night, Tuesday the 11th at 7:00 p.m. Budget reductions, Chromebook purchases and personnel on the agenda. Full agenda here: https://go.boarddocs.com/mo/lathrop/Board.nsf/vpublic?open
Today is Election Day! Get out and vote for who you want to represent you on the LR2 school board. #RollMules
Kindergarten screening for the 2023-2024 School Year will be April 10th and April 17th. Please call the Elementary at 816-710-6114 for more information. Also please like, share and make sure anyone who might have that age of a child knows. Thanks!
Due to icy road conditions LR2 will be starting two hours late today. Push all times back two hours. No career center. No am preschool.
LR2 Board Meeting tonight at 7 p.m. Budget, resignations, make-up days on the agenda. Full agenda here: https://tinyurl.com/3s3u9ntd
Lathrop Elementary will be offering summer school in person May 30-June 30. Summer school hours will be like a regular school day, 8:00-3:45 Tuesday-Friday for 5 weeks. Every incoming kindergarten through 8th grade student is welcome to attend and we will have daily prize drawings for the students.
This is the last week to sign up to audition for the Lathrop Schools K-12 Talent Show. Auditions will be held on Thursday, March 2nd. Sign up for a time by contacting Mrs. Dietrich at the Elementary, or sign up on the sheet next to the Elementary Music Room door.
Special LR2 Board Meeting tonight at 6:00 pm at the high school. Executive Session only.
Shout out to our bus drivers for their skills today, but due to the condition of gravel roads in our rural areas, Lathrop R-II will not have school tomorrow. No Career Center or morning activities. Decisions about afternoon and evening activities will be decided later in the day. Be safe out there! #RollMules
ALL Middle School after school activities including tutoring, clubs, Science Olympiad, detention, or play practice are cancelled for tonight. Please contact the middle school office at 816-710-6115 if you need us to get a transportation message to your child. Stay Safe!
Attention Parents:
All elementary after school activities including tutoring, clubs, or Science Olympiad are cancelled for tonight. Please contact the office 816-710-6114 if you have a change in transportation needs for your child. Thank you.
Tonight's games, Educator Spotlight, and Mini Mules Cheer/Dance Clinic will be live streamed on the Lathrop Athletics YouTube channel. Here's the link https://www.youtube.com/live/xHyLBUv9nZ8?feature=share #RollMules
As of today, Lathrop R-II will have school as usual on Wednesday, February 15th. The Career Center will be having an AMI day as per the Excelsior Springs School District.
After Prom fundraiser night at La Fuente on Monday, 2/13. Following the Super Bowl and before Valentine’s Day is a great time to “treat yourself and your loved ones” to dinner out and help LHS After Pro. 5-9pm on 2/13/23. To go orders count also!
Due to current and forecasted road conditions LR2 will NOT have school today. Decisions about afternoon practices and activities will be made around noon. Be safe out there!#RollMules
The regular monthly LR2 School Board meeting is tomorrow, Wednesday the 8th, at 7:00 pm in the board room. School calendar, budget, investments and personnel are on the agenda. Full agenda here: https://tinyurl.com/3usmpya4
Due to the extreme cold this morning, LR2 will be providing a ride to school for kids who usually walk and need a ride. Please call 816-710-6110 to get on the list. We will begin picking up at 7:20. #RollMules
Make your plans now to support the Lathrop After-Prom Committee by dining at LaFuente on Monday, February 13th. A portion of all sales will benefit our safe after-prom event. #RollMules
Grateful for this awesome group of Lathrop business leaders who gave up some of their valuable time to help us improve! #RollMules
Due to road conditions this morning, Lathrop R-2 is cancelling school for today. Decisions about activities will be made by noon. Be safe out there.