LR2 regular monthly board meeting is Wednesday, December 9th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Middle School PAC. View the agenda here: Masks are required for entrance. Mask, distance, wash, stay in school. #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Due to 2 positive cases of COVID amongst our LHS Boys BBall team, 17 team members are now quarantined. Unfortunately, our boys have had to withdraw from this week's KCI Tournament. #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Spectator Information for MS Basketball at Mid-Buch for tonight. Masks must be worn inside at all times to be able to watch the games. Order of games: "B" Girls, "A" Girls, 7th Boys, 8th Boys.
about 4 years ago, Clint Howren
Here is information regarding spectator information for the MS Wrestling meet tonight at Pleasant Hill. Wrestling bus will leave LMS at 3:15 this afternoon. Meet starts at 5:00.
about 4 years ago, Clint Howren
Lathrop R-II Parent and Community Update December 4, 2020:
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
LR2 is in need of bus drivers: Minimum $45/day plus $500 signing bonus contact Sam at 816-528-3231, and night custodians starting at $12/hour. Apply at Call Chris Fine at 816-659-2330.
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
LMS Families, Unfortunately, the Middle School is going to have to remain virtual for the rest of this week. We will plan to resume our normal hybrid schedule on Tuesday, December 8th.
about 4 years ago, Clint Howren
MS Activities Bus Times for 12/1/2020 MS Wrestling @ Maysville - 4:15 Departure (5:30 start) Girls MS Basketball @ East Buch - 3:30 Departure (4:30 start) Boys MS Basketball @ East Buch - 5:00 Departure/Be at MS by 4:15 (Games start approximately 6:30)
about 4 years ago, Clint Howren
LHS BB vs Higginsville will be live streamed on the Lathrop Schools Facebook page again tonight. #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Lathrop Middle School will be all virtual on Tuesday, Dec 1st and Wednesday, Dec 2nd due to a lack subs and staffing issue for those two days. Emails will be sent to students on directions for those days so please have students check their emails. This is for MS only.
about 4 years ago, Clint Howren
LR2 is thankful for our awesome school community! #mulesareblessed
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Reminder: LHS “B” day students will attend school tomorrow, Monday, and the “A” students will attend on their normal day, Tuesday.
over 4 years ago, Robert Bowers
Today's parent update letter: includes our COVID Data and info on spectator restrictions, live steaming of events, and the Lathrop School District App. #RollMules
over 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Clarification on new quarantine and mask requirements here:
over 4 years ago, Chris Fine
New quarantine and mask guidelines for LR2: Wear a mask, socially distance, wash your hands, keep us in school!
over 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Middle School Wrestling Schedule Changes: Saturday, Nov 14th - MS Wrestling @ St. Joe is cancelled Tuesday, Nov 17th - MS Wrestling - Lathrop Quad 5:00 (@Lathrop Middle School)
over 4 years ago, Clint Howren
LR2 Board Meeting tomorrow night at 7 p.m. in the PAC. Custodial services, Cyber Insurance, Budget Update, COVID info: Full agenda here:
over 4 years ago, Chris Fine
LR2 COVID Data as of November 7 here: Keep your distance, wash your hands, wear a mask, keep us in school!
over 4 years ago, Chris Fine
EXcelsior Springs Career Center will be transitioning to 100% Virtual Learning beginning tomorrow, November 6th through Thanksgiving break.
over 4 years ago, Robert Bowers
Scholastic passcode: 315258059 Picture retakes link:
over 4 years ago, Chauncey Rardon