LR2 Board Meeting tonight is at 6:00 pm in the MS PAC. 21-22 Calendar, purchase of new devices, and online banking on the docket. Full agenda here: https://tinyurl.com/3429225p
Due to road conditions, LR2 will have no in-person classes but instead will have a virtual instruction/AMI day tomorrow. Decisions about practices and games will be made around noon. #BeSafe #RollMules
Clinton County has lifted the two spectator per participant restriction on our indoor events. See our revised Winter Spectator Guidelines here: https://5il.co/n9qw
Would you like to substitute teach? Did you know DESE will reimburse you for your registration fees? Click on this link to learn more: https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification/substitute-teachers
Lathrop R-2 is hiring! We have immediate openings for a Central Office Secretary, bus drivers, and substitutes. We also need an Ag Teacher (2nd position), a Middle School ELA Teacher, and a Speech/Language Pathologist for 2021-2022. Apply here: https://tinyurl.com/y6a4ojbq
No school for LR2 today. No AMI. Practices and games TBD. Be safe. #RollMules
LR2 is having school today. Plan for a slower commute and drive carefully. #RollMules
Good Moring Mule Nation. Due to the impending weather and possible worsening conditions, Lathrop R-2 will not be coming to school today, but instead today will be a virtual learning/AMI day. Decisions about practices and activities will be made around Noon. #RollMules
Click on the link for information about possible inclement weather day options for the Mule Nation: https://5il.co/omig
LR2 6-12 to go back to full-time in person instruction beginning January 26th. Full press release here: https://5il.co/om6v
Regular monthly LR2 Board meeting is Wed., Jan. 13 at 7 pm in the MS PAC. Return to full time live instruction and board policies on the agenda. Full agenda here: https://tinyurl.com/y59k7etl
With one week left before Christmas Vacation, LR2's COVID numbers are at their highest. Here's the current dashboard: https://5il.co/nkz5 Wear a mask, wash your hands, keep your distance #keepusinschool #RollMules
December's regular monthly LR2 School Board meeting was rescheduled for tonight at 7 pm in the MS PAC. Agenda here: https://tinyurl.com/y59k7etl
Per CCHD request, LR2 is now limiting spectators at our events. Full story here: https://5il.co/nrw4
Per CCHD request, LR2 is now limiting spectators at our events. Full story here: https://5il.co/nrw4
Per CCHD request, LR2 is now limiting spectators at our events.
Full story here: https://5il.co/nrw4
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the LR2 Board Meeting has been canceled for tonight and rescheduled for Monday, December 14th at the Middle School PAC.
LR2 regular monthly board meeting is Wednesday, December 9th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Middle School PAC. View the agenda here: https://tinyurl.com/y59k7etl Masks are required for entrance. Mask, distance, wash, stay in school. #RollMules
Due to 2 positive cases of COVID amongst our LHS Boys BBall team, 17 team members are now quarantined. Unfortunately, our boys have had to withdraw from this week's KCI Tournament. #RollMules
Spectator Information for MS Basketball at Mid-Buch for tonight. Masks must be worn inside at all times to be able to watch the games. Order of games: "B" Girls, "A" Girls, 7th Boys, 8th Boys.