Here is information regarding spectator information for the MS Wrestling meet tonight at Pleasant Hill. Wrestling bus will leave LMS at 3:15 this afternoon. Meet starts at 5:00.
about 4 years ago, Clint Howren
Lathrop R-II Parent and Community Update December 4, 2020:
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
LR2 is in need of bus drivers: Minimum $45/day plus $500 signing bonus contact Sam at 816-528-3231, and night custodians starting at $12/hour. Apply at Call Chris Fine at 816-659-2330.
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
MS Wrestling Quad scheduled for tonight at Pleasant Hill has been cancelled and rescheduled for Monday, December 7th. It will be at Pleasant Hill at 5:00 on Dec. 7th. The tournament scheduled for Platte County on Sat, Dec 12th has been cancelled with no makeup date as of now.
about 4 years ago, Clint Howren
Support Lathrop Middle School Library by purchasing books through our online book fair. Follow the link to place an order. It is open through Dec. 15th. It will also be open in person for students next week in the LMS library.
about 4 years ago, Clint Howren
Lathrop Middle School will be all virtual on Tuesday, Dec 1st and Wednesday, Dec 2nd due to a lack subs and staffing issue for those two days. Emails will be sent to students on directions for those days so please have students check their emails. This is for MS only.
about 4 years ago, Clint Howren
New quarantine and mask guidelines for LR2: Wear a mask, socially distance, wash your hands, keep us in school!
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
LR2 Board Meeting tomorrow night at 7 p.m. in the PAC. Custodial services, Cyber Insurance, Budget Update, COVID info: Full agenda here:
over 4 years ago, Chris Fine
LR2 COVID Data as of November 7 here: Keep your distance, wash your hands, wear a mask, keep us in school!
over 4 years ago, Chris Fine
MS Basketball games tonight vs Hamilton have been postponed until Monday, November 16th. Boys will still practice after school until 5:30 and girls will practice from 5:30-7. #RollMules
over 4 years ago, Clint Howren
LR2 is in need of substitute teachers on a daily basis. Did you know the state will pay for all of your registration and training costs to become certified ? Check it out here:
over 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Middle School Girls Basketball practice is tonight from 4:00-5:15. However, any Middle School girl who played volleyball needs to stay home from practice today pending the results of a Covid test that we are waiting on. More info will be sent out as it becomes available to us.
over 4 years ago, Clint Howren
MS Basketball is starting for students that are interested. 7/8th grade girls who are interested need to contact Coach Nichols ( and boys need to contact Coach Berry ( Practice at 4pm today at the elementary school.
over 4 years ago, Clint Howren
MS Basketball
10/12/2020 - Letter Regarding positive COVID case at Lathrop Middle School . Please read:
over 4 years ago, Clint Howren
Here is a letter with the latest update from Lathrop Middle School regarding hybrid and virtual learning.
over 4 years ago, Clint Howren
Great day for a parade!
over 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Parade 2
LR2 has been made aware that a middle school student/football player has tested positive for COVID. Full press release here: #RollMules
over 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Lady Mules Sball makes it back-to-back wins with a 2-1 victory over @braymerbobcats #RollMules
over 4 years ago, Chris Fine
If you are interested in ordering a Lathrop Homecoming or Herd shirt please click the following link. Orders are due by Friday, 9/18. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Robert Bowers
Special thanks to Paul Dorton, Renea Lynch, Jacob Noll, Dylan Walters, David Blodgett, A.J. Carrell, Jason Gentzell, and Matt Holsted for volunteering their time to help mow and trim our facilities! We appreciate you! #RollMules
over 4 years ago, Chris Fine