If you are the parent of a student with special education services please click on the link to read a document which outlines the supports and services we will be providing to your student as we return to school. https://5il.co/jl6k
Fall Sports Information for Lathrop Middle School.
LR2 Parent Update Letter for Friday, August 7th: https://5il.co/j9qq #RollMules
Middle School cross country practice will start on August 17th at 8:00am at LMS. Any 7th or 8th grade student is welcome. You must have your physical done and on PRIVIT with updated information to be eligible to practice.
LR2 Tax Rate Hearing and Monthly Board Meeting are on Wednesday, August 12th, not the 13th. #RollMules
LR2's annual tax rate hearing is Wednesday, August 13th at 6:45 pm. Full notice here: https://5il.co/j5s1
Middle School Football camp next week is at the high school. A physical is not needed to participate but a physical is needed for practice, which will start the following week on August 17th. Any additional questions, you can email Coach Turpin @ Adam.turpin@lathropschools.com
Jr High Football camp will be Next week, August 10th through August 13th. Camp will go 8 am to 10am. Monday we will be giving out helmets so everyone needs to be there no later than 7:20. Each player should bring their own water.
After 21 years with LR2, today is this young lady's last day. We hope you enjoy retirement Jeannine Hubbell! Thanks for all of the hard work you've done for our students and staff!
I am working on getting schedules e-mailed out to students so hopefully they will get those soon. For students that know their log-in to SIS, they should be able to log in and see their schedules now. I am working with SIS on being able to email them all out to students/parents soon. - Mr. Howren
School Supply List for Lathrop Middle School is now posted on the Lathrop Middle School website. (It is under the documents section).
Here is a direct link: https://www.lathropschools.com/o/lms/browse/153427
LR2 Parents: Please follow this link to give us your updated thoughts on starting school 8/25.
LR2 has cancelled all sports and activities until August 10. Full story here: https://5il.co/ig00
Special LR2 Board Meeting tonight at 6:30 in the MS PAC to discuss our return to school plan. The full board meeting agenda including draft of the plan can be found here: https://go.boarddocs.com/mo/lathrop/Board.nsf/Public
LMS basketball camp for incoming 7th/8th grade girls will be from 1:30-3:00 starting today and going through Thursday at Lathrop Middle School.
JH basketball camp for incoming 7th and 8th grade boys will start tomorrow (Tuesday the 14th) from 10:15-11:45 at the high school.
No camp on Wednesday
Thursday will be 10:15-11:45 at middle school.
Friday will be 10:15-11:45 at the high school.
7th & 8th grade volleyball camp July 21-23, 2-4pm @ HS
Email nita.lewis@lathropschools.com with questions
Click on the link for our July 10 parent update letter: https://5il.co/i6f9 #RollMules
Special LR2 Board meeting tomorrow night at 6 pm will be closed session only to hire personnel.
Middle School softball camp for incoming 7th and 8th grade girls will be at Lathrop High School softball field on:
July 21, 22 (11:00-1:30)
July 27, 28 and 29 (11:00-1:30)