Correction: LR2 WILL have school on Monday, March 29 and will NOT have school on Friday, APRIL 2. Have a great week! #RollMules
almost 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Reminder: LR2 WILL have school on Monday, March 29 and will NOT have school on Friday, April 6. Have a great week! #RollMules
almost 4 years ago, Chris Fine
LR2 is building a new greenhouse at the HS campus. Click on the link if you're interested in doing any of the work on this project. Please share!
almost 4 years ago, Chris Fine
LR2 Board Meeting tonight at 7 in the MS PAC. All are welcome! Food Service, Calendar and Probationary Teachers on the agenda. Full agenda here:
almost 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Drive by food drive to benefit the LR2 Backpack Program is tomorrow!
almost 4 years ago, Chris Fine
food drive
LR2 is providing rides to school for our in town walkers today. Call 528-7500 to get on the list. #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Lathrop vs Polo BB Livestream link: go Mules!!
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
LHS Varsity BBall Teams play at Polo tonight. Girls start at 6:00, Boys to follow. #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
There will be NO a.m. preschool today due to the late start.
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Lathrop R-II will start TWO HOURS late today. All starting times, bus times and morning routines will be two hours later than usual.
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Lathrop R-II will start TWO HOURS late today. All starting times, bus times and morning routines will be two hours later than usual.
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
The Excelsior Springs Career center will be closed tomorrow, 2/18/21 and will be an AMI day for our students.
about 4 years ago, Robert Bowers
Order and approximate times for tonight’s games at Home vs. Plattsburg: JV Girls at 4:30, 2Q JV Boys at 5:45, Varsity Girls 6:30, Varsity boys 7:45. #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Due to inclement weather conditions Lathrop R-II will NOT have school today. No AMI, No virtual learning. Enjoy a traditional snow day. Decisions about games and activities will be made around noon. Be safe!
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Correction: the Excelsior Springs Career Center will be closed tomorrow, 2/17/21 as a snow day.
about 4 years ago, Robert Bowers
The Excelsior Springs Career Center will be closed tomorrow, 2/16/21, as a snow day.
about 4 years ago, Robert Bowers
Tonight’s games vs Plattsburg have been postponed to tomorrow. Stay Warm and Stay Safe!! #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Due to inclement weather, LR2 will have no in- person school but instead will have a virtual instruction/AMI day tomorrow. Decisions about practices and games will be made around noon. Be safe!
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Due to cold temperatures the Excelsior Springs Career Center will not have school tomorrow, 2/16/21.
about 4 years ago, Robert Bowers
Sorry not road conditions, extreme cold.
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine