Due to road conditions, LR2 will have no in- person school but instead will have a virtual instruction/AMI day tomorrow. Decisions about practices and games will be made around noon. Be safe!
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
LR2 is providing rides to school for our in town walkers today. Call 528-7500 to get on the list. #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
LR2 Board Meeting tonight is at 6:00 pm in the MS PAC. 21-22 Calendar, purchase of new devices, and online banking on the docket. Full agenda here: https://tinyurl.com/3429225p
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Latrhop After Prom Committee is soliciting donations to provide a safe after prom experience for our kids. Donate via mail, or PayPal. More info here: https://5il.co/phw2 Please like and share! #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Due to road conditions, LR2 will have no in-person classes but instead will have a virtual instruction/AMI day tomorrow. Decisions about practices and games will be made around noon. #BeSafe #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Due to inclement weather the Excelsior Springs Career Center will be an AMI Day tomorrow, 2/9/21.
about 4 years ago, Robert Bowers
Due to inclement weather tomorrow, 2/8/21, will be an AMI day at the Excelsior Springs Career Center.
about 4 years ago, Robert Bowers
Mules take 3rd at the Lawson Tournament defeating Lexington 45 - 32. #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
mules 3rd
Clinton County has lifted the two spectator per participant restriction on our indoor events. See our revised Winter Spectator Guidelines here: https://5il.co/n9qw
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
LHS Esports season begins today! V vs. Lindbergh, JV vs. Mehlville at 4 pm. Check it out here: twitch.tv/lhsesports01 #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Would you like to substitute teach? Did you know DESE will reimburse you for your registration fees? Click on this link to learn more: https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification/substitute-teachers
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Lathrop R-2 is hiring! We have immediate openings for a Central Office Secretary, bus drivers, and substitutes. We also need an Ag Teacher (2nd position), a Middle School ELA Teacher, and a Speech/Language Pathologist for 2021-2022. Apply here: https://tinyurl.com/y6a4ojbq
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
No school for LR2 today. No AMI. Practices and games TBD. Be safe. #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
The Excelsior Springs Career Center will be closed today, 1/27/21, due to weather.
about 4 years ago, Robert Bowers
Girls Basketball @ Penney Tournament scheduled for this evening is Postponed. Makeup date TBD. #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
LR2 is having school today. Plan for a slower commute and drive carefully. #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Girls BB at West Platte livestream starts at 6 pm at westplattesports.com
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Wrestling live-streaming on Lawson cardinals activity Facebook page and Lawson school district FB page Reply STOP to OPT OUT
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
GBB at University Academy livestream: https://www.youtube.com/user/UniversityAcademyKC
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Mules Wrestling Livestream from Plattsburg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS4reoGhAeR8nQjKenI-V4g #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine